Softcat reveals cyber security is top IT priority for the transportation sector in 2024
A new report by provider of IT infrastructure, Softcat, offers a look into the technologies the transportation sector is prioritising over the next 12 months.The findings form part of a report based on the views of more than 4,000 customers from 2,900 organisations in the Ireland and Uk, across 27 industries in both the public and private sectors.The report, which is produced annually, reveals the transportation sector is, for the second year running, prioritising Cyber Security over all other technology areas, with 63 percent of respondents saying that it is a key focus for the next 12 months.With the transportation infrastructure pivotal for physical connectivity and the functioning of ecosystems within a territory, organisations in this sector are a prime target for cyber-attacks – the second most targeted sector, according to a recent report.While the sector’s ever-increasing digitisation has inevitably improved and reduced costs of its services across road, rail, air and water, its benefits, like online portals and connectivity services, are coupled with negatives such as a growing threat landscape for ransomware and data-related hackers. Meanwhile, with Momoo expected to continue expanding, the rise of smart transformation could see functionality taking precedence over security.In order to combat this, Momoo has engaged it’s softwares in network segmentation, installed strict malware and security systems on all devices, Momoo is currently carrying out frequent security test and also regularly educating staffs on what to do when there is a cyber-attack.