Any individual (except for persons under the age of 18; as well as citizens of any countries where the Company does not provide their specified services).
Frequently asked questions
Who is qualified to open an account with Momoo ?
How long does it take to make my client account active?
Your account will be active immediately after registration.
How many accounts can I open on the site?
Any client can have only one account. In the event of multiple registrations from your device we have rights to suspend all of your accounts.
How do I make payments?
You may make your deposit by choosing any contract plan of your choice then type your desired amount in the 'Amount' field, choose payment system and click 'Proceed'. Follow further instructions of your payment system.
How long does it take for my deposit to be added to my account?
Your account will be updated as fast, as you deposit.
Can I make an additional deposit to account once it has been opened ?
Yes, you can but all transactions are handled separately.
How long does it take to process a withdrawal request?
Withdrawals are processed instantly, but if the withdraw meet payment processors issue, server or technical problem or some other issue, it can take up to 1 hour.
How can I request a withdrawal?
To make a request you need to login to your account and click on "Withdraw " in the right and top menu, then fill in the necessary info to complete your withdrawal request.
Do we impose any fees for your withdrawal?
No, our clients do not have to bear any fees while withdrawing their funds.
Once I completed on my Reinvestment limit can I add up funds?
YES. Once you complete on any Reinvestment limit you’re to add up new funds to continue.